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Miło nam poinformować, że znany jest już termin tegorocznej Konferencji Baltictech! Konferencja odbędzie się w dniach 19-20
Listopada w Hotelu Gdynia. Zarezerwujcie sobie ten termin w kalendarzach :). Niebawem więcej szczegółów.

Grand Prix



  1. The Grand Prix Photo, the underwater photography contest, is an event organized alongside Baltictech 2010.
  2. The contest exhibition is open to all photographers, without limitations.
  3. Participation in the contest is free of charge.
  4. The organizer shall accept no more than one photograph per person and the size of the photograph cannot exceed 40×50cm.
  5. The photograph needs to have a light frame, e.g. a clip frame, ready to be hung.
  6. The photograph needs to be signed with the author's name and surname and on the reverse side – their address, phone number and e-mail address.
  7. The theme of the photographs includes underwater environment or diving activity, without limitations as to type.
  8. The photographs for the Grand Prix Photo contest should be submitted at the conference reception desk up to 9 a.m. on the first day of the conference.
  9. The results of the contest shall be determined by a vote open to all participants of Baltictech 2010 (except those visiting the exhibition of diving equipment only). The organizers of Baltictech 2010 reserve the right to make any changes to the mode of assessing the photographs, without giving reasons.
  10. The organizers of Baltictech 2010 shall not be held responsible for any damage to, loss or destruction of the photographs.
  11. The organizers of Baltictech 2010 reserve the right to cancel the Grand Prix Photo contest at any time without giving reasons.
  12. The photographs shall be returned to their authors after Baltictech 2010, at their own expense and on their clear, written request.
  13. Submitting photographs for the contest means accepting these regulations.
  14. By submitting their photographs, the participants of the contest agree to having their works displayed without compensation at a public contest exhibition during the Baltictech 2010 conference and on its premises.
  15. By submitting their photographs, the participants of the contest agree to their works being published without compensation on the Baltictech 2010 website.
  16. The final interpretation of these regulations lies within the competence of the organizers of Baltictech 2010, who are entitled to make any changes to these regulations.

    President of Gdynia along with the sponsors funded the following prize: to organize the exhibition and the opening in the Municipality of Gdynia.

  • 1st place 50% of exhibition area
  • 2nd place 35% of exhibition area
  • 3rd place 15% of exhibition area

  • Opening will be held in December 2010. Mayor of Gdynia Wojciech Szczurek has confirmed his presence at the opening. The exhibition will last about a month. The cost of printing photos and the opening of the exhibition is in the side the sponsors and Baltictech.


Konferencja Nurków Technicznych basenu Morza Bałtyckiego
Baltictech 2010